Friday, October 15, 2010

Do men and women hold different sized bladders?

If so, is it a significant difference?Do men and women hold different sized bladders?
Men and women have more or less the same size bladders...We consistency the urge to urinate when they fill up previous around 200ccs. However I have see people hold 1000 cc of urine...
The largest difference is the fact that a women's bladder sits bringing up the rear her uterus..
So things like pregnancy, mutiple child birth and fibriod tumors of the uterus can head to a larger uterus which can exert pressure on the bladder making it uncomfortable to hold as much urine.
The feminine bladder sits below the uterus, so various factor can effect the amount of urine it can comfortably hold.
I suppose that the answer to your question is "yes". Otherwise, I wonder how come a man can dance to the "men's room" and be finished with his business inwardly one minute or less, all the same when she goes to the ladies room, after how come it takes her I don`t know 1/2 hour or more, before she exits the ladies room? What happen, hon?! LOL! So, hurry up your a**, woman!

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