Friday, October 15, 2010

Do my symptoms meeting anything?

1. When I drink milk, I get a stomachache so fruitless I want to cry. I also get terribly sleepy, and yawn a lot. And a headache, and a few times, a slight restlessness. This just started up two days or three days ago. Oh and I wanted to throw up really defectively.
2. Today, I had tofu, and I sorta get a SLIGHT feeling that I considered necessary to throw up.
3. I used to love drinking milk, but now, even the thought of it make me sick.
4. I've been going to the toilet for number two greatly lately...Do my symptoms meeting anything?
I would also say you've developed a lactose intolerance. I didn't develop mine until I be 14. The Tofu doesn't make sense though, it should of late be bean curd, and there shouldn't be adequate lactose in it to upset your stomach. Check the sign of your brand of Tofu and see what it says. Small amounts of cheese shouldn't bother you (even extra cheese on pizza should be okay), rime cream will wreck havoc on your insides.
Might want to see an allergist and be tested for it; he/she will probably ask you to keep a food diary - note what you eat at what times and any symptoms that follow. Read label on processed foods.
You should definitely see your regular physician or a gastroenterologist to gross sure there isn't anything more serious.
Shooting from the hip here, it sounds as though you enjoy developed a lactose intolerance. Not uncommon however, your symptoms do truly involve to be checked by a doctor.
Yeah, sounds like you're lactose intolerant, which certainly everyone is to a certain amount. Try limiting the amount that you drink to a smaller amount.
sounds like lactose intolerance. some adults lost the skill to digest milk as they age.
You may only own gastroenteritis where dairy foods wil solely add to the prob. But jump see a doc for some tests.

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