Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Do tissues own Germs within them??

If we open a box of tissues, will germs be attached to it??
if so how do we verbs our mouth or nose, beside infected tissues?? Wont we be more sick then??Do tissues own Germs within them??
Don't verbs about it, if they are germs contained by them, which I doubt, our immune systems are strong enough to traffic with them. We humans are growing weaker and more prone to infection simply because we are too fussy and 'molly-cuddling' ourselves.
yes, it is possible that tissues could contain germs, they are not sold surrounded by sealed, sterile packages..
as for getting sick from a untried, unused tissue..I doubt it..
Good question. I would reason that once open that , yes they would collect germs the ones we ourselves get and the ones carried in the atmosphere like dust particle etc, maybe do what my Nana did and put a doily over them or one of those already made to protect them.
yes... and you know what more... we'll going to die sooner or later :)
like pizza said:
everyone you know will someday die
(ps: its not cold contained by here, you're just dying)

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